
Merry Christmas!

Peace begins with a smile!

Pick a number between 1 and 10 and then look at your Christmas joke!

1) What kind of motorbike does Santa ride? – A Holly Davidson!

2) What do you call a cat in the desert? – Sandy Claws!

3) Who is the Music Elf’s favorite reindeer? – Dancer!

4) What did the sea Say to Santa? – Nothing! It just waved!

5) What says Oh Oh Oh? – Santa walking backwards!

6) What do Santa’s little helpers learn at school? – The elf-abet!

7) Who is the king of Santa’s rock and roll helpers? – Elfis! (Thank you, thank you very much!)

8) Who is Santa Claus married to? – Mary Christmas!

9) Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing? – They always drop their needles!

10) What did Santa ask Rudolph about the weather? – Is it going to rain dear?!

Hahaha! 😀