It was delightful to see both old and new faces at our 93rd After Work Stammtisch in the Pentahotel Braunschweig yesterday evening. We are always amazed at how many interesting stories old and new attendants have to tell about their experiences in life – and that’s not only in connection with this month’s topic: the Oktoberfest.
As was quite correctly mentioned, the Oktoberfest ‚only‘ lasts for two weeks and that was from 21st September to 6th October this year. Additionally, our round was accurate claiming that the Oktoberfest firstly started when Crown Prince Ludwig, who was later to become King Ludwig I, was married to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen in Munich on 12th October 1810.
To find out some more information about the history of the Oktoberfest click here.
Looking forward to seeing you all again at the next After Work Stammtisch on 13th November 2019! It will be the 94th ENGLISH GOES GLOBAL get-together since we first started on 1st October 2010!