Brunswiek Helau!
Brunswick is Northern Germany’s carnival highlight. The carnival tradition can be traced back to the year 1293 in Brunswick’s history books. The „Schoduvel“ is therefore even older than the Cologne carnival.
The highlight of the foolish hustle and bustle is the big carnival parade under the motto „Braunschweig – cosmopolitan and international, that’s how our carnival is“ on Sunday, 23 February 2020.
It starts at 12:40 pm at the Europaplatz. For four hours, the long fool’s parade will weave through the streets, throwing tons of chocolate and many other sweets as well as stuffed animals, balls and children’s toys into the cheerful crowd. From 1 to 4 o’clock the television channel NDR will broadcast the carnival parade live and the finale will be celebrated with a party in the Braunschweig town hall from 3:30 pm.
All further information about the Schoduvel carnical parade in the lion city at www.braunschweiger-karneval.de
Altered sources/Quellen: Karneval in der Löwenstadt: http://www.braunschweig.de/kultur/veranstaltungen/blickpunkte/bsm_artikel/karneval.php; Schoduvel – 42. Karnevalsumzug: https://www.braunschweig.de/kultur/veranstaltungen/index.php?mode=details&event_id=143967 (letzter Aufruf beider Seiten am 02.02.2020, 11:57 Uhr)