Allgemein News

Last reminder: AFTER WORK STAMMTISCH #118

Do you also have triple-w questions:

What, where and when?

It is the open get-together for everyone who is interested in practising their English skills.

We meet in the cosy foyer of the Pentahotel in Brunswick (Braunschweig), Lower Saxony in Germany.

6th February 2024, between 7:00 and 8:30 pm


(Wir freuen uns immer, wenn Interessenten sich mindesten einen halben Tag vor dem Stammtischtreffen (12 Uhr) unverbindlich anmelden, damit wir zusammen mit dem freundlichen Personal des Pentahotels die Sitzplätze reservieren können.

Hinweise zur Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen von ENGLISH GOES GLOBAL: Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos und es gibt keine Verpflichtungen. Getränke oder Snacks werden nicht von ENGLISH GOES GLOBAL erstattet. Bestellungen müssen über das nette Personal des Veranstaltungsortes laufen. Auch wenn der Netzwerk-Gedanke beim Stammtisch im Vordergrund steht und das Knüpfen von Kontakten gern gesehen wird, so ist es unerwünscht, den Stammtisch zum Werben für Konkurrenz zu ENGLISH GOES GLOBAL zu missbrauchen.)



Happy New Year 2024!

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something. Neil Gaiman

Allgemein News

Let’s meet at Brunswick’s Christmas Market!

The next After Work Stammtisch (No. 117) is going to take place on the first Tuesday in December 2023 – 5th December 2023. Following „the same procedure as every year“ our venue is in front of the Ferris wheel at 7:00 pm. After walking around Brunswick’s Christmas Market in small groups, we will all meet again in front of the Ferris wheel to talk about what exciting items one might have bought and what one has planned to do for Christmas this year. They have the best mulled beer right in front of our meeting place as well as tasty children´s punch which is basically non-alchoholic mulled beer, so … CHEERS! … till round about 8:30 pm.

Allgemein News

Tips on how to write a biography / Tipps für das Verfassen einer Biografie

Just in case you are interested in writing a biography of a family member or a friend of yours, check out this website taken from Oxford University Press‘ recommended school book Headway Plus – Intermediate for some help.

Allgemein News

A fairly unknown but recommended tourist sight in Lower Saxony

After this evening’s lively AFTER WORK STAMMTISCH discussions about this special building in Pattersen, between Hannover and Hildesheim, we would like to share some of the information we gathered:



Some say this castle is to become the „Neuschwanenstein des Nordens“ – „Neuschwanenstein of the North“.

Allgemein News


2nd July 2023 World UFO Day
4th July 2023 America’s Independence Day
7th July 2023 World Chocolate Day
11th July 2023 World Population Day
13th-16th July 2023 Tour of open studios at the HBK Braunschweig
15th July 2023 World Youth Day
20th July 2023 World Chess Day
28th July World Hepatitis Day
29th July 2023 International Tiger Day
30th July 2023 International Friendship Day
Sources which are not directly linked: https://www.allworldday.com/list-of-important-days-in-july/, https://byjusexamprep.com/current-affairs/important-days-in-july
Allgemein News

Last night’s AFTER WORK PARTY handouts


As promised, here are the links and the pictures which were handed out yesterday. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a sufficient amount of the A3 sheets to share, but we hope that this way will do, too.

Thank you very much for coming to our 114th get-together and I look forward to seeing you next time:

same time, same place,

only change: TUESDAY, 8th August 2023.


The newspaper article chosen, „A coronation and an election leave a resless U.K. ‚in a waiting room'“, was taken from WORLD AND PRESS – Sprachtraining, Landeskunde, Vokabelhilfen, Übungsmaterial, edition June 1 2023. This newspaper, which is published twice a month, can be purchased in Brunswick e.g. at Graff.

Royal Family Tree (849 – Present)

Source: https://www.britroyals.com/royaltree.asp

Royal Family tree: King Charles III’s closest family and line of succession

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-23272491

UPDATE (16th November 2023): Handouts had to be removed due to unforeseen legal issues.

Allgemein News

Our next AFTER WORK STAMMTISCH is going to take place on THURSDAY 13th APRIL 2023!!!!


am Donnerstag, den 13.04.2023,

19:00-20:30 Uhr,

Pentahotel Braunschweig

Allgemein News


Neues Jahr, neues Glück! New year, new luck?
ENGLISH GOES GLOBAL freut sich schon sowohl mit bekannten als auch mit noch unbekannten Menschen zusammenzuarbeiten, um die zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation zu fördern und zu fordern. Um in einem neuen Jahr Platz für neues zu schaffen, muss man vielleicht alte Gewohnheiten loswerden…

Wie bereits gestern im monatlichen Newsletter angegeben, haben wir im Internet eine nette Seite gefunden, auf der die 10 „wichtigsten“ Eigenschaften, die Sie im Jahr 2023 loslassen müssen, aufgelistet sind:

Fear Furcht
Self-doubt Selbstzweifel
Negative people Negative Menschen
Perfectionism Perfektionismus
Procrastination Prokrastination
Lack of focus Mangelnder Fokus
Limited beliefs Begrenzte Überzeugungen
Comfort zone Komfortzone
Comparison Gegenüberstellung
Lack of action Untätigkeit

Mehr Tipps zu jedem Punkt finden Sie hier.

Allgemein News

After Work Stammtisch No. 111 – Where and when?

Where? Braunschweiger Weihnachtsmarkt
              (meeting together at the Ferris wheel)
When? 1st December 2022, 7:00-8:30 pm
Duration: 1 hr 30 min